When I first started studying to become a trainer, I wanted to know the basics of program design: I wanted to be able to write out an awesome workout that would leave the person in awe.

I studied a lot of material (and continue to do so), but there was still this nagging itch to want to make people leave my workouts completely gassed and defeated; I felt that if I didn’t give them a ton of burpees to do or some intense plyometrics, it wasn’t good and they would think I was a boring trainer. I learned through trial and error that this philosophy isn’t conducive to helping people get stronger and faster. It destroys them and gives them a brief feeling of having done something awesome; but it doesn’t help in any long-term way.

Along my travels I became aware of this well-known system of training called “functional training.” Functional training has a purpose, and uses the fundamentals of speed, strength and power to make athletes or regular weekend warriors reduce their incidence of injury and

become more proficient at whatever it is they’re training for. The idea is

 that you need to be able to handle your own body weight in controlled environments but also in areas of instability, so that you can teach your body  how to regain that stability.

These concepts work whether you’re injured and looking to come back into action, or if you’re simply aiming to get stronger, faster, and more resilient in your everyday life.

I really like to teach clients how to test and work on the mobility (the ability to move freely and easily) in their body, and ensure they can squat, hinge, press and pull efficiently. A typical workout starts with foam rolling and mobility work that helps the client find their range of motion around crucial joints (ankles, hip, thoracic spine); then some dynamic movements that will prepare the client for the upcoming workout; followed by some power and core work; then onto the strength work with conditioning as a closer. 

This structure can change and is by no means static; I appreciate fluidity and changing and morphing based on the person’s goals and needs, but the fundamental ideas of movement, strength, power and speed don’t change.

I’m excited to take what I’ve learned to help people become more resilient, and I’m offering a free trial session so that you can see if we’re a good match to work together. A coach-client relationship is unique, and is predicated on a lot of factors. I enjoy communicating with and being a source of help, and I will always find ways to learn more and better help those that I come into contact with.


Functional Training: What Is It, And Why Do We Use It

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